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User defined macros and ProjeX

With the full version of ProjeX it is quite straightforward to generate Gantt charts using custom macros rather than using the ProjeX options from the menubar.

There are a few basic rules regarding the layout of the task data in the Excel sheet that must be followed.

You will notice the task data starts on row3, there must be two rows above the tasks and if ProjeX finds a blank task description it will stop, thinking it has reached the end of the list.

The task descriptions must be in the first column, the starting date in the second and the ending date in the third.

Cell A2 must contain the text 'Title' for ProjeX to think you have the above format.

What ever is in cell B1 is thought to be the project title.

Now all we need is to have a little macro to get ProjeX to read the data in and plot the Gantt chart.

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