November 17th, 2000
- Version released - the user can now generate a Gantt sheet in black and white for when there is no color printer available. This option is not available in the Freeware version. There is also a new time axis to display fiscal quarters.
- The online help documentation has been updated. If you want a quick look at how to produce an example Gantt sheet or a run through the functionality of ProjeX this can now be done online. This section will be expanded over the next few days. Work through a worked example of how to generate a ProjeX to track a project.
October 22nd, 2000
- The 1st release of ProjeX ( for Excel 97. This version handles languages other than English and allows the user to define tasks where the duration is calculated from start and end rather than the default - end of task calculated from start and duration. It also has better error control.
- The last Excel 95 version of ProjeX (1.044) was released. The Excel 95 version will continue to be supported but no additional features will be added.
July 10th, 2000
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) were added to aid user support.
November 8th, 1998
- A freeware version of ProjeX is now available for download. This version has limited functionality. There is all a demo release of the full version of ProjeX 1.04 available that expires Jan 1st 1999.
September 3rd, 1998
- The release of ProjeXTM 1.4 following several months of successful beta testing. This release has option to use day,week or month as the time axis for Gantt charts.
June 21st, 1998
- Revised release of ProjeXTM 1.3 with improved functionality. The additions include :
- The ability to generate Gantt charts with weeks as the time axis scale rather than just days.
September 5th, 1997
- Initial release of ProjeXTM 1.02 with revised demo license valid for a month. This release has improved functionality and speed. The additions include :
- Ability to generate Gantt charts on separate sheets. This can be useful to track a project through its course.
- Generate Gantt charts as Excel charts rather than sheets.