If you know where you saved the file to - delete it.
The next time you load Excel it should tell you the
add-in is unavailable and will ask if you want to try and
load it in future - reply No.
If you do not know where the file is, under Excel's
main menu Tools go to the Add-ins option

and deselect ProjeX (if you have already loaded the
new version of ProjeX deselect that as well. Exit from
Excel and then go back in.

If, when you have a blank workbook up you still see
ProjeX on the menu bar you have not correctly removed it.

You still have ProjeX on the Excel
menubar after doing the above ?
Download the RemeX workbook, open it, allow macros to run and ProjeX will
be removed from the menubar.
If you are not satisfied with ProjeX for any reason please
email us and let us know why. If you are just installing the
full version then thank you !