GBBEAM - Gaussian beam synthetic seismograms for a sloth model    

 gbbeam <rayends >syntraces xg= zg= [optional parameters]        

 Required Parameters:                                      
 xg=              x coordinates of receiver surface              
 zg=              z coordinates of receiver surface              

 Optional Parameters:                                      
 ng=101           number of receivers (uniform distributed along surface)
 krecord=1        integer index of receiver surface (see notes below)  
 ang=0.0          array of angles corresponding to amplitudes in amp   
 amp=1.0          array of amplitudes corresponding to angles in ang   
 bw=0             beamwidth at peak frequency                    
 nt=251           number of time samples                   
 dt=0.004         time sampling interval                   
 ft=0.0           first time sample                        
 reftrans=0       =1 complex refl/transm. coefficients considered
 prim             =1, only single-reflected rays are considered   ",    
                  =0, only direct hits are considered            
 atten=0          =1 add noncausal attenuation                   
                  =2 add causal attenuation                      
 lscale=          if defined restricts range of extrapolation          
 aperture=        maximum angle of receiver aperture             
 fpeak=0.1/dt     peak frequency of ricker wavelet               
 infofile         ASCII-file to store useful information         
 Only rays that terminate with index krecord will contribute to the    
 synthetic seismograms at the receiver (xg,zg) locations.  The         
 receiver locations are determined by cubic spline interpolation 
 of the specified (xg,zg) coordinates.                           

 AUTHOR:  Dave Hale, Colorado School of Mines, 02/09/91
 MODIFIED:  Andreas Rueger, Colorado School of Mines, 08/18/93
      Modifications include: 2.5-D amplitudes, computation of reflection/
                  transmission losses, attenuation,
                  timewindow, lscale, aperture, beam width, etc.