MAKEVEL - MAKE a VELocity function v(x,y,z)              

 makevel > outfile nx= nz= [optional parameters]                 

 Required Parameters:                                      
 nx=                    number of x samples (3rd dimension)      
 nz=                    number of z samples (1st dimension)      

 Optional Parameters:                                      
 ny=1                   number of y samples (2nd dimension)      
 dx=1.0                 x sampling interval                      
 fx=0.0                 first x sample                           
 dy=1.0                 y sampling interval                      
 fy=0.0                 first y sample                           
 dz=1.0                 z sampling interval                      
 fz=0.0                 first z sample                           
 v000=2.0               velocity at (x=0,y=0,z=0)                
 dvdx=0.0               velocity gradient with respect to x      
 dvdy=0.0               velocity gradient with respect to y      
 dvdz=0.0               velocity gradient with respect to z      
 vlens=0.0              velocity perturbation in parabolic lens  
 tlens=0.0              thickness of parabolic lens              
 dlens=0.0              diameter of parabolic lens               
 xlens=                 x coordinate of center of parabolic lens 
 ylens=                 y coordinate of center of parabolic lens 
 zlens=                 z coordinate of center of parabolic lens 
 vran=0.0         standard deviation of random perturbation
 vzfile=                file containing v(z) profile             
 vzran=0.0              standard deviation of random perturbation to v(z)
 vzc=0.0                v(z) chirp amplitude                     
 z1c=fz                 z at which to begin chirp                
 z2c=fz+(nz-1)*dz       z at which to end chirp            
 l1c=dz                 wavelength at beginning of chirp         
 l2c=dz                 wavelength at end of chirp               
 exc=1.0                exponent of chirp