SU3DCHART - plot x-midpoints vs. y-midpoints for 3-D data

 su3dchart <stdin >stdout                            

 Optional parameters:                                
 outpar=null      name of parameter file                   
 degree=0   =1 convert seconds of arc to degrees           

 The output is the (x, y) pairs of binary floats           

 su3dchart <segy_data outpar=pfile >plot_data              
 psgraph <plot_data par=pfile \\                     
      linewidth=0 marksize=2 mark=8 | ...            
 rm plot_data                                        

 su3dchart <segy_data | psgraph n=1024 d1=.004 \\          
      linewidth=0 marksize=2 mark=8 | ...            

 Note:  sx, etc., are declared double because float has only 7
 significant numbers, that's not enough, for example,   
 when tr.scalco=100 and coordinates are in second of arc   
 and located near 30 degree latitude and 59 degree longitude          

      CWP: Shuki Ronen
      Toralf Foerster

 Trace header fields accessed: sx, sy, gx, gy, counit, scalco.