SUGETHW - sugethw writes the values of the selected key words

   sugethw key=key1,... [output=] <infile [>outfile]             

 Required parameters:                                      
 key=key1,...           At least one key word.                   

 Optional parameters:                                      
 output=ascii           output written as ascii for display      
                  =binary for output as binary floats      
                  =geom   ascii output for geometry setting
 verbose=0        quiet                              
                  =1 chatty                          

 Output is written in the order of the keys on the command       
 line for each trace in the data set.                            

      sugethw <stdin key=sx,gx                             
 writes sx, gx values as ascii trace by trace to the terminal.         

 Users wishing to edit one or more header field (as in geometry setting)
 may do this via the following sequence:                   
     sugethw < sudata output=geom key=key1,key2,... > hdrfile          
 Now edit the ASCII file hdrfile with any editor, setting the fields   
 appropriately. Convert hdrfile to a binary format via:          
     a2b < hdrfile n1=nfields > binary_file                      
 Then set the header fields via:                           
     sushw < sudata infile=binary_file key=key1,key2,... > sudata.edited


      SEP: Shuki Ronen
      CWP: Jack K. Cohen
      CWP: John Stockwell, added geom stuff, and getparstringarray