SUMIGPREPSPI - The 2-D prestack commom-shot phase-shift-plus interpolation migration.

sumigprepspi <indata >outfile [parameters]                         

Required Parameters:                                                  

nxo=           number of total horizontal output samples              
nxshot=        number of shot gathers to be migrated                  
nz=            number of depth sapmles                                
dx=            horizontal sampling interval                             
dz=            depth sampling interval                                
vfile=         velocity profile, it must be binary format.            
The structure of such a file is vfile[iz][ix], the x-direction is the fastest direction instead of z-direction, such a structure is quite convenient for the downward continuation type migration algorithm. Since most of the velocity file is in vfile[ix][iz] structure, you can use 'transp' in SU to transpose them into vfile[iz][ix] structure.    
Optional Parameters:                                                  

Fmax=25        the peak frequency of Ricker wavelet used as source wavelet

f1=5,f2=10,f3=40,f4=50         frequencies to build a Hamming window  

lpad=9999,rpad=9999            number of zero traces padded on both   
sides of depth section to determine the migration aperature, the default",
values are using the full aperature.                                  

 Credits: CWP, Baoniu Han,, April 19th, 1998

 Trace header fields accessed: ns, dt, delrt, d2
 Trace header fields modified: ns, dt, delrt