XRECTS - plot rectangles on a two-dimensional grid  

 xrects x1min= x1max= x2min= x2max= [optional parameters] <rectangles  

 Required Parameters:                                      
 x1min                  minimum x1 coordinate                    
 x1max                  maximum x1 coordinate                    
 x2min                  minimum x2 coordinate                    
 x2max                  maximum x2 coordinate                    

 Optional Parameters:                                      
 color=red              color used for rectangules               

 Optional resource parameters (defaults taken from resource database): 
 width=                 width in pixels of window                
 height=                height in pixels of window               
 nTic1=                 number of tics per numbered tic on axis 1
 grid1=                 grid lines on axis 1 - none, dot, dash, or solid
 label1=                label on axis 1                    
 nTic2=                 number of tics per numbered tic on axis 2
 grid2=                 grid lines on axis 2 - none, dot, dash, or solid
 label2=                label on axis 2                    
 labelFont=             font name for axes labels                
 title=                 title of plot                            
 titleFont=             font name for title                      
 titleColor=            color for title                    
 axesColor=             color for axes                           
 gridColor=             color for grid lines                     
 style=                 normal (axis 1 horizontal, axis 2 vertical) or 
                        seismic (axis 1 vertical, axis 2 horizontal)