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Download and Installing BabeX

The freeware version of BabeX will work with all versions of Excel from 97 and higher on the PC platform and can be downloaded here. Two months after the birth date the percentile annotation and overlays cannot be plotted until the software is registered.

Having downloaded from the above link BabeX can be installed by:

  1. Put the zipped file in a subdirectory and uncompress it using a tool such as Winzip.
  2. Open up Excel in the normal way, click on Tools from the menubar and select Add-ins. Browse to where the add-in was unzipped, select it and okay out of the dialog.
  3. BabeX should now appear in the Excel menubar.

If you are still confused check out the installation notes in the zipped download.

Getting started with BabeX

Click on BabeX in the Excel menubar and the following dialog appears:

If BabeX detects that the open workbook is not a BabeX workbook you are asked if you want to start entering data for a new baby or open a previously created baby's workbook.

Having decided to create a workbook for a new baby, the user needs to enter the baby's name, sex, birth date and how many weeks premature (-ve number if late) the baby was.

The user also needs to select at this point whether to plot the baby's progress in the metric format (Kgs, cms) or Imperial (pounds and inches). Data can be entered as either, this only relates to how the data is displayed in the workbook.

The first data point to enter is the birth measurements. All measurements can be entered as either metric or imperial, as decimals or split as pounds and ounces (or kgs and grams).

If a particular measurement was not done then just leave it blank.

The user can chose whether to plot weight against age, length against age, head circumference against age and/or weight against length.

Each measured point can be annotated with its percentile and generalized percentiles can be plotted with the actual readings of the baby.

The time axis can be plotted relative to the birth date (as above) or as the absolute date. All dates are entered as the absolute date.

Every time a new measurement is made, click on BabeX and enter the data.

Copyright Mike Witcombe of WAA, 1996-2003.
Please review our privacy policy.
For problems or questions regarding this web contact [babex@waa-inc.com].