From version on ProjeX includes a Worksheet
function that can be used (with some simple worksheet
manipulation to generate this.
Step 1 : Add three extra columns to the ProjeX sheet
using the Pad
option under Display Properties. Expand out the
columns that have been added and copy the Start/End and
No. Days titles over. As the third column is now going to
be the number of months rather than days we can change
that to get:

Step 2 : Lets add the starting dates for each of the
tasks and their durations (in months). We can then set
the (original) ProjeX start dates to be linked to our new
starting date. We can repeat what is show below for each
of the start dates.

Step 3 : We now need to calculate our ending month
based on the start and duration (in months). We use the
command Addmonth(start date, No. of months). Select the
end date cell and type =addmonth( and then click on the
start date cell type in a , and then click on the
duration in months and close the brackets. This gives us:

Step 4 : Again we can drag this formula down to set
the rest of the end dates. We can change the format of
the date cells from the menubar Format | Cells and
setting the date format to mmm-yy. We also need to set
the number of days to be equal to our end month (date)-
start month (date) + 1. Again this can be dragged down to
set the other durations.

Step 5 : We can now group the starting and ending
(day) dates so they can be hidden - we also need to copy
the project title and dates to other cells so they will
be visible when we hide the day dates.

Step 6 : We can now plot our Gantt chart in the normal
way, updating the monthly start and duration columns and
the % completion as usual.