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ProjeX sheet format/requirements

  1. Before trying to generate a Gantt chart you must generate a basic ProjeX sheet using the option from Excel's menu. ProjeX needs to define various temporary sheets for internal use and requires the task definitions to be in a particular sequence and location.
  2. ProjeX is very picky about the user adding and deleting rows and columns. If you do not use ProjeX to add columns to the worksheet then when you try and generate a Gantt chart an error message "This is not a valid ProjeX task sheet" appears. If you have deleted a row above the titles of the ProjeX sheet add it back in, if you have added a row, delete it. Likewise with columns inserted/deleted to the left of the column containing the task durations.
  3. ProjeX looks for a blank task description cell to end the list of tasks. If you do want to have a blank row within the task sheet enter a space (ie ' ') as the task description. This way ProjeX will go on to the next line.
  4. A group title is defined in a ProjeX sheet as a task without a start date. This means that when a Gantt chart is generated the task description is formatted to bold and no pointer value is assigned.
  5. ProjeX uses pointer values (in the column labeled "p") as a unique identifier for each task so it can set (and keep track of) dependencies between tasks. The user should never change the pointer values as this will corrupt the dependencies. If tasks are copied and pasted to new rows, delete the pointer value and ProjeX will assign a new, unique value.
  6. A milestone is defined in ProjeX as a task with zero duration (if using the task type of starting date and duration) or with no end date (if defining a task by start and end). 
  7. ProjeX uses one column for each unit of time of the axis selected, ie. if you are plotting as 'Days' (the default) then each column will be a day, if you are plotting as 'Weekly' then each column will be a week. This matters because Excel has a limitation on the number of columns that a sheet can have (around 256) - therefore if using the 'Days' axis you can only display around 240 days, to display a year or more you must switch to weekly.

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